Latest done by 2017
CAGE: A Contention-Aware Game-theoretic Model for Heterogeneous Resource Assignment Behavioral Analog Topology Synthesizer Optical CDMA Network Simulator (OCNS) Extended Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol Secure Multipath Adaptive Routing Protocol Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol in 4G Risk of attack coefficient effect on availability of adhoc networks Game-theoretic model to mitigate packet dropping Multi-dimensional correlation steganalysis SVD and Noise Estimation based Image Steganalysis Eigenvalues-based LSB steganalysis Security Weaknesses in PGP Protocol Performance Modeling and Optimization of MapReduce Image Steganalysis of Low Rate Embedding in Spatial Domain Modeling and Optimization of Straggling Mappers Blind detection of low-rate embedding Big Data Computing: Modeling and Optimization Towards Stochastically Optimizing Data Computing Flows Optimal Placement in Network On-Chip Optimal Scheduling in Parallel Programming Frameworks Node A...